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Sunday, 1 May 2011

Example 3: Korean Young Man

Again, after you’ve made the draft, do not start drawing the hair or anywhere that needs a very dark shade. In this picture, the darkest part would be the hair or the scarf.

When drawing the eyes, notice that upper eyelids and lower eyelids are different (refer to lesson 4), generally upper eyelids are heavier because of the thickness eyelashes, creating the deep shadow on the eyes, and that is often the deepest point in the whole picture. The lower lid has more contact with the light, thus it should be bright. In the picture above, Asian eyes are different to western people’s ‘double eyelid’ eyes, therefore in this drawing not much tonal work is needed on the eyes.

Characterization is also related to the mouth of the person's face. First, is to determine thickness the upper and lower lips. Then by deciding where the lights come from, shade the lips from dark to light.

At last, finish off the portrait by drawing quickly and smoothly on the hair, creating the realistic look. Also, the scarf should be the hardest part in this drawing as the patterns and shapes are all smudged together.

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