In the picture above, the hair obviously requires the msot tonal work and time spent on it; therefore we will fo a draft and leave it to the end to complete along with the collar, since they both need very dark shades.
Now look carefully to find out which part is the deepest and most intense, and start from these places (usually start with eyebrows, eyes, nose and temporal bone). However, we must avoid starring at the portrait and drawing on one particular part for too long, as this may cause imbalance in some parts. What to draw first can be considered based on the objevt characteristics, such as the more prominent cheekbones, or some may have thicker eyebrows or eyes that sparkle, then you can decide which parts to start with.
Lighting on this portrait is very interesting as it is so bright and comes from the right side of the character. We can tell that it so bright that we cannot even see the lines of the right side of the face. Therefore, we have to be careful of where to locate the lines that separate the shade and light. As you can see from the picture, there is a very sharp and clear line in the middle of the face, nose and chin to create realistic shadows.
Note: the brighter the light is, the lighter you have to draw.
To finish the drawing, concentrate on the tones of the hair and the direction of it. It does takw a long time to draw the hair part, and sometimes a rubber can be used to create the lights on the hair, which can reflect the shininess of it. For Asians, the natural hair color is black. However, carefully analyse it, it is actually not. It is also light and dark in contrast. Hair is formed on the skull, thus the hair style, light and shade structure must be considered. Therefore, the hair should be drawn in a fluffy and rich texture.
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